Babies Born During The Holidays



1120120919                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sometimes babies who are born during the holidays may feel, as they grow older, that their special day, is just kind of overlooked or hurried.  With the rental of a 6′- stork with bundle keepsake, 4′- sailboat with cloud keepsake, or a 4′ – moon with star keepsake, will find that their birthday is really special no matter what time of year they were born.  This special memory of their birth can help them know that the day they were born was celebrated and was really all about them.

The Stork Lady Lawn Announcement Rental Signs  make unique gifts from parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, friends, co-workers, & neighbors who know someone who will soon enter our beautiful world that God made for them.  By  giving a special & really unique gift will help to  create very special memory during the holidays for the child born at this time of year.  Just call 432-634-4579 & be sure to visit our website at

We serve all of Midland, Odessa, Stanton, Greenwood, & Big Spring, Texas.